Modern heraldry of Luhansk regioncities
emblem, heraldry, municipal heraldry, Luhansk regionAbstract
The article deals with the contemporary processes in the field of heraldry in Luhansk region limited by the chronological framework of the early 90's of the twentieth century till the present time. The choice of the theme is determined by the fact that no comprehensive analysis of the development of the city emblem has been made. It is also necessary to make historical and professional analysis of all its aspects, namely the peculiarities of its development, the features of the symbols of city signs, the problems of creation and confirmation of new emblems. The author has studied the specific features of the heraldry formation in the region using periodical materials, documentary sources and images of emblems. The paper has traced the debates as of the re-approval of historical emblems of Luhansk and its evolution. A number of modern municipal emblems have been analyzed as regards their subject matter, color and symbols. The compliance of the emblem with the heraldry rules has been found out; their disadvantages have been described and proposal of their improvement have been suggested. It has been concluded that the modern heraldic process in the Luhansk region is characterized by simultaneous coexistence of professional and amateur emblem formation. According to the author's calculations, 28 of 37 cities are provided with municipal emblems but most of them must be improved because of their uniformity, colors congestion and low artistic level of accomplishment. The author cities the heraldry developments of specialists, members of Ukrainian Heraldry Society A.Zakoretskoho and O.Zhytnychenko as an example of successful emblems that correspond to classical heraldry and have a deep original symbolism.
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