Business development program as a tool for small business support by local authorities in Ukraine
regional programme, small business, local authorities, activities, regional economic developmentAbstract
This article analyzes the current state of implementation of regional development programs for small business in Ukraine on the city and regional levels. The main context of these programmes in Ukraine, 2012 includes such elements as: harmonization of regional business statutory regulation; formation of mechanisms of financial, investment and credit support of regional small business; creation of back-up infrastructure of small business in regions of Ukraine and others. The research of development of influence of local authorities on small business development in the regions of Ukraine was conducted by authors according to above-mentioned points. Due to the article it was found out that the Ukrainian regional state policy in the sphere of small business is not enough focused on the formation of a positive investment climate in the region, on elimination of various administrative barriers for small businesses and others. To solve these problems some activities of local authorities have been proposed such as: to improve the activity of local authorities by increasing of effectiveness and transparence level in the sphere of small business and reforming current normative base connected with entrepreneurship; to create and implement special-targeted projects which are priority for the concrete region taking into account specific of economic and social characteristics of region by means of local budgets etc.
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