Anthropologic interpretation of sociocultural human genesis by I. YA. Franko




anthropologism, society, culture, public ideal, ideology, liberty


The article analyses opinion of I. Franko on sociocultural genesis from the perspective of anthropologism, in particular, on a human as a source of social development. The core of the issue of sociocultural determination of human is a "human - society" system. Interpretation of the issue of sociocultural determination in Ukraine had its own specific character as demands of sociocultural content meant, primarily, human's striving to self-healing, self-improvement, self-realisation, liberty, etc.

Special attention is paid to consideration of the issues of public ideal, ideology, and above all - liberty as an essential component of socialisation and art as well as a necessary condition for existence of culture, self-healing, self-improvement, self-realisation of human. Furthermore, liberty, equality and fraternity are not only requirements of genesis of human and all nations, but requirements that have their specific peculiarities of realisation in the historical fate of one or another nation and, in particular, personality.

Author Biographies

Ivan Chornomordenko, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Departament of Philosophy 

Viktoriia Kutsuruk, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Candidate Departament of Philosophy 


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How to Cite

Chornomordenko, I., & Kutsuruk, V. (2014). Anthropologic interpretation of sociocultural human genesis by I. YA. Franko. Skhid, (6(126), 290–294.


