The position and functions of religious organizations in modern society
secularization, desecularization, religious scientism, the virtual space, Internet, identity, churchAbstract
Modern transformation of religious institutions and religion in general, affect the livelihoods of the western society. Today there are so many religious movements that offer a solution to secularized man's material and spiritual problems. Some came from the East, the other formed under the influence of modern culture and media. There are two main areas: first representatives insist on religious adaptation to social norms, the latter require preservation of authentic religious forms and principles. Some researchers emphasize the possibility of combining scientific and religious worldviews - this compromise position will allow to reconcile the two camps, whose representatives are in a state of confrontation. Virtualization social life leads to changes within the religious organizations and the emergence of new trends, which focus on the development of communication technologies and the creation of new philosophical approaches. Traditional religious systems use virtual space as a tool for data transfer, but refuse to implement religious practices in the virtual space. The third kind of organizations - conformists, appealing to tradition, but using modern science. Technological process leads to a change in the nature of the human person, which adapts to the new conditions and accepts new cultural, religious, and ideological positions. This leads to both personal and social changes, which are the subject of this article.
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