The Donetsk's myth. Ontologi of the citys self-definition




the myth city's, myths of the city, Mythology of the city, regional identity


One of the main trends of modern society is a marked increase of the theoretical interest to the sphere of mythology and the theory of myth. And in light of globalization approaches explicitly focus on the impact study of the regional aspects of social phenomena. In this regard, in regional studies of mythology appear attempts seen the myth city's as a socially formalized knowledge about the city or region, a strong regulatory and mobilization element in society, which is capable of forming a regional entity and identity.

A problem is in that every city has the own myths and specific municipal culture. It can be one of reasons of conflicts at co-operation of townspeople of different regions because all of us are inclined to identify itself with a sub-group on the sign of place of inhabitation, line of business or the world view.

Thus, at all cities have different myths and symbols. We are inclined to see our city as city of the chosen townspeople, while other cities and regions are inhabited by demons and monsters. The article suggests to consider the city like a self-valuable phenomenon.

The article submitted to scientific use of the term "the myth city's" which, the author's perspective is not identical to the concept of "myths of the city" and "Mythology of the city." also authors conducted analysis the history of the formation of the Donetsk's myth, identified the main stages of its formation, and conducted explication of its meaningful and functional characteristics.

Author Biographies

Aleksandr Belokobylskiy, Donetsk National Technical University

Ph.D., professor, professor of the department of philosophy 

Kseniia Sidorova, CGO NAN of Ukraine, Donetsk

graduate student of department of philosophy


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How to Cite

Belokobylskiy, A., & Sidorova, K. (2014). The Donetsk’s myth. Ontologi of the citys self-definition. Skhid, (6(126), 265–269.


