Scientific activity of M. Grushevskyy in Ukrainian academy of science (1924 - 1931). Historiographical aspect of the problem
Ukrainian academy of science, historiography of the study, scientific activity, scientist of Diaspora, historiographical analysis of the modern Ukrainian researchersAbstract
Questions of the elucidating by Ukrainian historians M. Grushevskyy's scientific activity in Ukrainian academy of science are analyzed in the article. Studies of the role of the outstanding historian in the organization of its work and importance of his work in conferring an international and academic level to Ukrainian science are taken under consideration.
It is clear that M.Grushevskyy was considered as a scientist and organizer of the science in the frames of Ukrainian academy of science by the historians and researchers of Diaspora and our country during the academic period of his scientific activity (1924 - 1931).
L.Vinar, M.Galiy, N.Mushunka, A.Ogloblin, N.Polonskaya-Vasilenko indicated that the arrival of Mykhayl Sergiyovych gave a new pulse to the work of this institution, brought its publishing activities to life, its historical establishments studied the history of Ukraine thoroughly. But repressions of Soviet authorities prevented Grushevskyy's scientific and organizing activity in the academy of science.
It is stated that modern Ukrainian historians such as I.Verba, S.Vodotyka, R.Pyrig, P.Sochan, A.Yurkova have analysed scientific and organizing activities of Mykhayl Sergiyovych more carefully, this activity was directed for instance to the foundation of the research department of Ukrainian country studies, to creating of the methodological institution and training of the young researchers, which would became the successor of the Ukrainian Sociological Institute.
The Historians have paid attention to the work of Commission of Study of early texts of Ukrainian academy of sciences under the direction of Mykhayl Sergiyovych. The joining of the representatives of Lviv scientific school of M. Grushevskyy to the cooperation in academy is analyzed either. Scientists suppose that his plan was to create "The Research institute of Western Ukraine".
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