Jesuit educational facilities of the east Slavic region in the late 16th - early 17th centuries
Society of Jesus, East Slavic region, educational system, houses of the Jesuit Order, colleges of the Jesuit OrderAbstract
The article presents, analyzes and systematizes the sources on constituent elements of educational Jesuit Colleges of the East Slavic region in the late 16th - early 17th centuries.
The author tabulates the data about the period of creation or functioning of Jesuit educational facilities and their components (missions, residences, schools, collegiums, "bursa", music "bursa", "konvikty", seminaries, houses of the third probation, theaters, student and philistine fraternities, churches, chapels, pharmacies, infirmaries, hospitals, orphanages, libraries, printing houses) in the twenty-seven cities of region mentioned in the research.
The author analyzes the purposes of "bursa" and "music bursa", devoted to music teaching and singing, where students performed during religious holidays and other events. But the main purpose was the support of the poor youth.
The article deals with the specific facilities - "konvikty" for gentry with student cohabitation in the flats of locals or individual facilities.
The paper provides information about seminaries of order of Jesuits in the East Slavic region, which were an important component of Jesuit educational system of priest training, those who spread Catholicism among different stratums.
The author analyzes "Sodalicii Marian" (Marian Congregations) of collegiums' students (organization, methods of skills and knowledge improvements, individual live events of fraternity members). The article shows that Marian Congregations had similar organizational elements to the order of Jesuits. For example, Society of Jesus prepared not only faithful Catholics, but also its own new members.
The author mentions the theaters of Jesuit collegiums, their specific purposes as an effective way of spreading Catholicism among Orthodox population.
The article also deals with educational and training purposes of churches, libraries, orphanages and hospitals of Society of Jesus.
The author states the ways of implementing and funding certain components of the aforementioned colleges and examines their role in the educational system of the Order.
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Polock. Pinsk (1996), in L. Grzebień (Ed.), Encyklopedia wiedzy o jezuitach na ziemiach Polski i Litwy 1564 - 1995, available at:;
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