The removal of printed production as means of struggle against non-conformism in Ukraine in 1930s.


  • Valentyna Molotkina Pereyaslav-Khmelnytski State Pedagogical University named after Hryhoriy Skovoroda, Ukraine



library, publishing house, publishing business, printed production, ideology, , books, literature, censorship


The article deals with main reasons of realization of mass removal of printed production from circulation in Soviet Ukraine in 1930s. All printed production was inspected by it's accordance with ideological politics of the state in conditions of the formation of totalitarian society and ramified administrative-bureaucratic system of control over the publishing houses and printed editions. First and foremost works of the arts and scientific works were studied in order to define "the ideological steadfastness" which determined whether they could be the community's achievement. Ukrainian book, in which, according to power's confirm, "was leaded small-bourgeois nationalistic views", was especially under the systematic political control and was subordinate to ideological edition. Special authorities - National commissariat of education of USSR with it's structural subdivisions like Central administrative board of literature and publishing houses, Central administrative board of printing, and State political management, and also part authorities which were responsible for the censorial control - they have made different kinds of printed edition's lists according to the special methods, so-called "ideological-harmful" literature - such literature was removed from the publishing houses, book storehouses, funds, libraries. Books which had been edited by so-called "pests" and "nationalists" were subordinate to confiscation. Works of authors-"public enemies" were withdrawn and books which authors were repressed partial-soviet workers were also subordinate to withdraw. Central administrative board of printing and publishing houses was responsible for the removal of printed production of "nation's enemies" in the period of "big cleaning" in 1936-1938. Regular drives of book funds' cleaning from the "harmful" literature were the reasons of substantial reduction of printed production reserves.

Author Biography

Valentyna Molotkina, Pereyaslav-Khmelnytski State Pedagogical University named after Hryhoriy Skovoroda

Doctor of History, associate professor, full professor of the Department of History and Culture of Ukraine


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How to Cite

Molotkina, V. (2014). The removal of printed production as means of struggle against non-conformism in Ukraine in 1930s. Skhid, (6(126), 237–242.


