Turkmenistan - a new permanent neutral state of Central Asia


  • Bogdan Levyk Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine




Republic of Turkmenistan, Turkmenistan Constitutions, Military Doctrine, President of Turkmenistan, Armed Forces of Turkmenistan


The paper examines twenty years' historical experience an the independent state - the Republic of Turkmenistan in securing the national security during the post-Soviet period in 1991-2011. Five Ph. D. Theses of Central Asian researchers, covering issues of the national, regional and international security policies, are analyzed. The main constitutional and legislative instruments which regulate the operation of the national security system are looked into. The main focus is external and internal threats in new geopolitical requirements. The structure and functions of the representative, legislative and executive bodies of the Republic are described as well as the personal role of the President in protection of national interests. It is emphasized that the country upholds permanent neutrality and builds up an up-to-date national army. The Armed Forces posture and readiness are examined. Characteristic features of the Republic's foreign policy implementation in Central Asia and elsewhere are identified. The engagement of Turkmenistan in regional and international organizations is highlighted. Laws regulating military service, staff training for the Ministry of Defense and the national defense setting are reviewed. The defensive nature of the Republic's military policy is emphasized. Today's military risks and threats to national security are described. The military cooperation with the Russian Federation, the USA, the NATO, the UN, the CIS, the Collective Security Treaty Organization and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization is analyzed. The Republic is ready to take part in international humanitarian and relief operations. Specific examples of the relationship with Ukraine in the military field are given. The role and place of the Republic of Turkmenistan in Central Asia and in the world are summarized. Turkmenistan guarantees its security by permanent neutrality which is recognized by the UN member countries. 

Author Biography

Bogdan Levyk, Lviv Polytechnic National University

Cand. Sc. (History), Retired Colonel


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How to Cite

Levyk, B. (2014). Turkmenistan - a new permanent neutral state of Central Asia. Skhid, (6(126), 217–224. https://doi.org/10.21847/1728-9343.2013.6(126).20681


