Regional industrial management of Ukraine (1957-1965): Soviet historiography (part ІІ - scientific evaluation of the reform of late 1960s - the early 1990s)
Soviet historiography, situation in historiography, political and ideological factors, N. Khrushchev, Regional Economic Council (1957-1965)Abstract
At the time of the next period, after M. Khrushchev's demise, the scientific knowledge of the industrial management carried out by the Regional Economic Council was leveled by considering the reform to be a manifestation of voluntarism. Besides, the research was all linked to enumeration of the positive and the negative features of the reform. Among the positive features were promoting the local resources and reserves, finding solutions to a number of issues concerned with integrated development of the economic regions, etc. The negative ones were weakening the role of the centralized government in managing the economy, "craze for meeting one's local interests only", creating obstacles to the process of introducing various technological innovations, an increase in the number of local government officials, etc. Besides, mistakes made in the course of the reform badly affected the quality thereof.
At the time of the third historiographical period, at the time of reformation, the scientists underlined its administrative character and incompetence in terms of the main indices of production relations. In considering the reform carried out in the regional industrial management system, the researchers saw M. Khrushchev's desire to obtain the local government's support for the purpose of weakening the ministries' role as well as his desire to find solutions to the economic problems.
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