The development of gas market in the modern Ukrainian energy strategy
energy strategy, carbonic energy resources, gas market, energy efficiency, gas-replacementAbstract
In this article the problems of Ukrainian gas market functioning in the context of efficiency, openness, transparasy and international competitiveness criteria are being researched.
The potential of growing of own gas extraction from traditional and non-traditional sources (gas of deep marine shelf, tough rock, shale gas and coalbed methane) considering natural recourses, technological, socio-economic, managerial and geopolitical factors had been evaluated. Ways of exploration, production, transportation, storage and distributions of natural gas development are defined. Need of expansion, procedural and institutional cooperation with world multinational corporations in these spheres is proved. Special emphasis on effective functioning, technological and organizational modernization of national gas transmission system.
Active energy efficiency and gas-replacement policy is emphasized as the critical importance for Ukraine.
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