Factors determining the management of employment in the modern city





employment, migratory movement, labor force, urban labor market, city


In the municipal long-term development programs and strategic management of urban employment in a demographic crisis, the regulation of the working population reproduction is important. Factors territorial labor mobility, namely the factors that stimulate migration flows of the population at the expense of intra-regional, inter-regional and inter-state immigration; the factors constraining departure of the population of big cities (on an example Kharkov), thereby directly affecting the employment, identified in the article. Migratory movements of the population depends on the level of socio-economic development of the city and the state of the urban labor market is identified.

Author Biography

Olga Radionova, Kharkov National University of Municipal Economy by A.N.Beketov

Candidate of Economic Science, Associate Professor of Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management


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How to Cite

Radionova, O. (2014). Factors determining the management of employment in the modern city. Skhid, (6(126), 160–164. https://doi.org/10.21847/1728-9343.2013.6(126).20561


