Financial risk assessment of corporations in the system output Mamdani-Zadeh
risk, corporation, fuzzy sets, financial risk, integrated risk assessmentAbstract
Ensuring sustainable development of the national economy is impossible without effective management of domestic corporations, the implementation of risk management systems in corporations, requires reliable assessment of the risks of modern corporations. Financial risks are the most threatening to the successful operation and development corporations, so their score will increase the efficiency of forecasting and risk management corporations. In this paper the technique of integral assessment of the financial risk of corporations based on fuzzy inference system Mamdani-Zadeh. Іt is universal and can be applied in other areas (industrial, commercial, investment, innovation). The developed method of estimating the integral of the financial risk of corporations can be used in decision-making processes of the operation and prediction of corporate activities and allows you to improve as a methodology of modern risk management, and risk management practices of domestic corporations.
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