The potential of public-private partnership for solving housing and communal services
infrastructure development, public-private partnerships, concessions, housing-utilitiesAbstract
This article the authors substantiated features of development of public-private partnership (PPP) in the housing and communal services. Public-private partnership is a form of cooperation of the state, its territorial communities represented by the relevant state authorities and local governments and individuals or legal entities, the private sector delegation. Such cooperation involves the delegation of functions to the private sector for the supply of water, gas, electricity, heat, utilities and maintenance of quality housing.
Investigated the current state of development of such projects in the country and it is shown that the most expedient today to attract private capital for public-private partnerships in the water sector. The data on the projects, which have been prepared on the basis of public-private partnerships at the regional level.
Based on the concept of public-private partnership describes the conditions under which the private investor is willing to invest time and money in projects and its activities will meet the interests of states.
Identify ways to address the development of PPP and risks arising in the way of successful practical implementation of PPP projects, which will allow to overcome the potential use of public- private partnership for the development of housing and communal services of Ukraine, its regions and cities.
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