Directions of efficiency and economic fundamentals of urban management in Ukraine
urban management, urban management mechanism, organizational and economic support, organizational structure, organizational changesAbstract
The article describes aspects of organizational and economic foundations of urban management in the conditions of reforming Ukraine's economy. Features subject, object, purpose, objectives and urban management mechanism are identified. The role of organizational, economic, legal and information support system functioning urban governance is characterized. Theoretical and applied aspects of analytical studies for urban management process and ensure it is proposed to use. For the study of urban governance in the theoretical aspect of the proposed use of the principles of institutional theory, general and special laws of the organization in analytical studies must take into account multi-level and multi-tier nature of the organization of decision-making in the system of urban governance. Applied aspects of organizational and economic support for urban management related to organizational optimization and improvement of the economic mechanism. Contents of organizational and economic principles of the municipal management system are disclosed. Recommendations for the development of organizational and economic support for urban management are developed. These include optimization of the organizational structure and the improvement of economic mechanism. Complex models used to justify proposed organizational solutions in the system of urban governance. Complex models include: the conformity assessment of the organizational structure of the city functioning conditions, assessment of the potential communication, assessment of the level of conflict, the synergies and efficiency of the organizational structure. Method of planning organizational changes in the structure of city management and its components has been proposed.
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