City is a key determinant of regional balanced development
city, region, strategic planning, functional-spatial structureAbstract
Methodoogical approaches of understanding the phenomenon of the "city" were defined. It was highlighted that the development of the city is a target to strategic planning. Macrosystem approach used in modeling of functional-spatial structure of the city. The main problems of complex systems dynamic modeling were defined, on example of a large city. Previously mentioned "unevenly-districted" model relies upon two fundamental laws - uneveness of used territory of a large city and the increase of intensity of its use in process of growth. Various scientific approaches were summarized, functions of a large city were highlighted.
In determining of the strategic priorities and the development of strategic plan of large city improvement the systemic and complex approach is used, where social and economical problems of Urban Development considered in conjunction, taking into account (ignoring) the objectives of individual subsystems composing urban systems necessarily taking into account formed conditions for the development, territory peculiarity and specifics.
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