Model of process of organization of effective agricultural land-tenure
land, land plots, land use administration, efficiency of agricultural land use, criteria for estimation of efficient land useAbstract
There has been disclosed the essence of the concept of organization of efficient agricultural land use as the process of creation of the needed organizational and territorial, legal, economic and social conditions for total engagement into production and output increase of each hectare of land while conserving and restoring soil fertility.
It has been verified that it is necessary to study the efficient agricultural land use systematically as land policy is closely related with economic and environmental policy, taxation and local development issues, as well as many other spheres of public relations. In doing so it is advisable to view efficiency of land use in three-dimensional system: economic system (economic needs of land resources and soils usage, the nature of land use, goods market, production placement, stimulation level, infrastructure development, etc.); social system (social institutions land use and land ownership, particularly, economic structure, the set of regulations and duties of a person towards land, land organization, land proprietary right, servitude, social infrastructure); environmental system (natural resources potential, agroecological features of soils use, product quality, environmental state of soils, environmental restrictions).
It has been corroborated that while forming efficient and permanent land uses it is necessary to utilize modeling methods of efficient land use with consideration of interrelations and interdependence of natural properties of lands, social, economic and environmental factors.
It has been proved that efficient agricultural land use has to include the set of measures aimed at meeting public needs through accounting and comprehensive estimation of productive capacity of land for its better use taking into account natural, social, economic and environmental conditions and end use.
There has been proposed management decision-making algorithm for efficient land use organization. The sequence of formation of criteria for economic and environmental estimation of efficient land use has been set.
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