Organizational and economic aspects of management and development of residential real estate market at the local level
the real estate, functioning of housing property market, regional property market, organizationally-economic principles of functioning of market of accommodationAbstract
In the article the list of organizationally-economic and integral principles of functioning of market of accommodation offers with the purpose of determination of terms of development of economic constituents of region. It is the inalienable constituent of the harmonious functioning of municipal economy. Municipal and regional development contains a market management the municipal real estate.
Attention is in-process accented on the informative constituent of this process. Information overcame many spheres of human activity and begins to act part, that on meaningfulness and scales excels material products, energy and services. The problem of systematization of information appeared, it stipulated actuality of the investigated theme. Organizationally-economic relations at the regional housing property market test considerable changes. Essence of the real estate as commodity was considered and a concept "Regional property market" is specified that, unlike existing, is formulated taking into account integral regional principles of functioning of housing property market.
As a result of complication and variety of different processes of functioning at the modern property market there is a necessity for automation of process of providing of all his subjects information. On the whole, the variety of organizationally-economic aspects of management and market of the housing real estate development is in-process educed at local level, their list and essence that confirms difficult character of this element of regional market are certain.
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