Organizational and economic development software urban agglomerations
urban agglomeration, criteria for the formation of agglomerations, problems agglomerations, efficiency agglomerationsAbstract
Based on the analysis of world and domestic experience, the scientific researches of essence and content of the category of urban agglomeration are clarified, its role and functions in the regional use of resources (material and intellectual), innovative development of labor collectives and territorial communities, improving the quality of life of the population. The characteristic of domestic urban agglomerations is given, the criteria of expediency of their creation, attractiveness and risks of formation and functioning of the urban agglomerations ofUkraine,Donetskand Lugansk oblasts. It is noted that the modern urban agglomerations can be formed naturally and regulatory ways. The best option is a combination of these methods, considering features of particular countries and regions. The article notes that in the system of organizational-economic, social, industrial and labor, scientific-educational and cultural factors of innovative development of the society, the formation of creative person, groups - the important place is occupied by the problem of formation and development of urban agglomerations, as the milieu for realization of these directions. The problem of agglomeration is a global nature, it is a most fully realized in the industrialized countries, where there is an organizational support and guaranteeing, a combination of natural processes and state regulation. InUkrainethe research questions, development of urban agglomerations are in the initial stage of theoretical studies. The main directions of revitalization of the processes of development of urban agglomerations inUkraineare justified, in the industrially developed regions (Donetsk, Lugansk). The main indicator of their development recommended the adoption of improve the quality of life of the population as a result of a more complete use the potential of subjects of agglomeration (labor potential, industrial, scientific-educational, cultural and other), the formation of civil society, creative citizen - the resident of agglomeration.
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