Role of specific elements of marketing complex in formation and implementation of modern concepts of city development
city marketing, marketing-mix, the marketing concept of the city, the economy experiences, philosophy and mission of the city, perception, personal presentation, the image of the city, income, political influence, policy, processAbstract
The paper determines the essence of marketing complex and authors' approach to its structure as two-contour model. It regards specific elements of city marketing complex (personnel, city philosophy and mission, perception, personal presentation, city image, profit, political influence, process) from the point of view of their importance in implementation of modern concepts of city development. It gives the grounding that the element "personnel" is rational in composition with other elements of marketing complex as it is included as personnel component into traditional elements of municipal marketing complex. The work equally distinguishes the trends of city marketing's use of instruments of impressions economics oriented towards the consumes' perception. The conclusion has been made concerning necessity of optimal combination of elements of marketing complex for most effective influence on city target groups.
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