Problems of management of the revenues of cities of Ukraine, Russia and Poland
city management, management of the revenues, local taxation, city budgetsAbstract
The article is devoted to the problems of management of the revenues of cities ofUkraine,RussiaandPoland. Five historical stages of evolution of becoming and development of city management and taxation are selected.
Description of significant items of the revenues municipal budgets of Russian, Ukrainian and Polish cities in terms of one citizen in dollar equivalent at the end of 2010 presents. The author conducted a comparative analysis of the general management experience revenues of municipal budgets. Each of countries adheres to the main financial terms of the European charter of local self-government concerning management of revenues of cities and simultaneously uses the own specific approaches to ensuring of financially-budgetary capability of urban communities. Аnalysis of research showed that the European experience, in particular, Polish, is a positive and acceptable forUkraine. Polish city management can be considered financially self-sufficient. The current system in the country revenues differences of municipal budgets to "own resources self-government" and "transfers" is more precise and verified. Тhere is a need to continue research on finding ways to partition the optimal sources of revenue Ukrainian city budgets for its own and delegated authority.
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