New approaches for selection of optimal urban planning decisions




civil engineering, urban engineering, urban planning decisions


The problems of planning and development of territories, the expansion of the modern city has been examined in the article. Particular attention has been paid to town planning problems of urban development, a paradigm shift in the approach to the development of the city. Also, the basic approaches to urban planning have been determined. The main provisions of the best urban planning decisions have been provided. The article describes the functional dynamics of urban areas and its components. Special attention is paid to the energy saving and environmental-oriented development, the need to consider these indicators in decision-making in urban contemporary economy and the impact of these factors on the development of the city as a whole.

Author Biography

Natalya Bibik, O. Beketova Harkiv National University of urban Engineering

Ph.D in economics, Assosiate professor of Construction Economics Department


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How to Cite

Bibik, N. (2014). New approaches for selection of optimal urban planning decisions. Skhid, (6(126), 13–16.


