Analysis of revenue sources for financing of development of cities of Chernivtsi region
small city, budget sources of financing, the indicator of the budget supply, local tax, land payment, tax from the enterprise revenueAbstract
The article deals with the analysis of the sources of the budget revenues in financing of the cities of Chernivtsi region. The budget is the only fund which facilitates the financial development of the small cities of Chernivtsi region because of the inconspicuous role of the off-budget mechanisms and sources. The analysis was performed on the base of the reports of the budget execution concerning 2009-2012 of the small cities of Chernivtsi region with the usage of the absolute indicators of the budget supply of the city development as well as the enumeration of the relative indicators, to our point of view, this fact just aggravates the investigated problem. The analysis of the budget profitability has reflected that the financial sufficiency of the small cities remains very low. Performed budget and tax reforms haven't gained success in the part of the decentralization of the inter-budget relations which is proved with the increase of the role of the grants and subventions in the revenues of the local budget during 2011-2012. The role of the local taxes or outturns is very low, this fact represents its secondary and additional value, the significant dependency of the profitability of the local budget upon the decisions of the central bodies of power, the inconspicuous independence of the local government.
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