Modern historiography of the movement for Ukrainian education in mainstream of national and cultural enlightenment (the second half of the 19th - the beginning of the 20th century)
national and cultural enlightenment, modern historiography, Ukrainization of education, Ukrainian language, school education, national consciousness, russification, Sunday schoolsAbstract
The article is devoted to the analysis of modern historiography regarding to the issue of establishment and development of the national movement for Ukrainization of education in the second part of the 19th century - the beginning of the 20th century. It is considered that in a historiographical discourse the issue of Ukrainization of education of the examined period is expansively presented. Based on the systematization of the scientific and historical material, two historiographical units were identified: the first was the history of Ukrainian education of the second half of the 19th century; the second referred to the history of the movement for the institutional establishment of Ukrainian education during 1917-1921-s. It is highlighted that a synthesis of a historiographical narrative permits to consider the movement for Ukrainization of national educational space in temporal, territorial and content unity, understanding its logical process of national establishment of Ukrainian civilization in the second half of the 19th century - the beginning of the 20th century. It is concluded that the preconditions of the emergence of the movement for Ukrainization of education in mid-19th century, the essence and consequences of imperial policy of assimilation in educational sphere, the organizational bases of Ukrainization of education, the leaders of the national movement are in the focus of historians’ attention, the works of which united in the first historiographical unit. It is determined that the researchers are common in a thought regarding Sunday schools that are considered to be the main representors of struggle for Ukrainization of education in 19th century. The historians had concluded that the policy of assimilation and chauvinism impeded the development of Ukrainian schools and prevented Ukrainian language implementation to the learning process. The historical, pedagogical and local history syntheses devoted to the analysis of the ways and content of Ukrainian education during 1917-1921-s. were united within the second historiographical unit. It is considered that the historians have focused on the following aspects: social and political conditions, content and peculiarities of the state policy in educational sphere; a place and role of pedagogical personnel in strengthening of the national movement for establishment of Ukrainian education; value bases of an educational reform and a pedagogical thought; the educational organizers and leaders of the movement for Ukrainization of schools; the essential changes in a structure, content, methodical, organizational and pedagogical bases of education and nurture children and the youth; historical meaning, achievements and miscalculations in Ukrainization of educational space, its further development in Ukrainization policy of Bolsheviks in 1920-s. It has been concluded that the active study of national philosophy, ways and methods of establishment of the movement for Ukrainization of education by modern historians has informative as well as practical-oriented meaning for the context of positive experience mainstreaming of Ukrainization of education under the modern circumstances of state and innovative development of national educational space.References
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