Views of Soviet Scientists on the Role of Communist Party in the Industrial Development of USSR in the second half of 60s - 80s years of the 20th century
historiography, CPSU, Communist Party, the leading role of the Communist Party, IndustryAbstract
The paper deals with the analysis of the national scientists' research papers devoted to the study of the significant for the Soviet science subject, namely the role of the Communist Party in the industrial development of the Ukrainian SSR.
The review of Soviet scientists' papers has showed that they studied different aspects of the USSR industrial development in the latest 60's-80's of the 20th century. Apart from historians, there were also economists, sophists, demographists who were engaged in the research process. They succeeded in including this subject into science, analyzing Soviet statistic material, finding a specific algorithm of the industrial development. The interest to the socioeconomic life has been shown. The activity of CPSU-CPU directed at the management of the work of the workers' collectives at enterprises. In this connection the role of Party organizations in strengthening ties between science and manufacture, the improvement of labor force socialist emulation and further strengthening its leading role in the manufacturing enhancement. Most of these works were of propaganda purpose, but they contained certain information about the activity of Party organizations in the manufacturing industry.
Soviet scientists made an extensive use of the specific "scientific" terminology which formed a false image of the human and the society, such as the communist truth, light future, victorious socialism march, inspired by the Party, growth of the material well-being, improvement of industrial performance, socialist emulation of foremost workers, socialist labor victory etc.
The industrial development of the USSR was represented by absolutely perfect society; one of its capital traits was the Party leading role. It is only achievements that were revealed, while losses were concealed. If there were some critical comments they did not concern big problems in the economic system of that time. The great majority of Soviet historians' publications were disfigured by the "window dressing", false historical record.
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