The institution of the military chaplains in the armed forces of Poland


  • Larysa Vladychenko Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, Ukraine



military chaplaincy, pastoral care, Military Ordinariate, Armed Forces, churches, religious organizations


There have been analyzed the current state of the institute of the military chaplains in the Polish Army. The author reviewed the circumstances of the return of the military chaplains in the military structures of the Polish Republic. In the article there has been researched the legal framework for pastoral work in the Armed Forces of Poland, including analysis of the relevant provisions of the laws of the Republic of Poland and the directives of the Ministry of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland. There was determined that the issues of the military chaplaincy are regulated by the block regulations that apply only to fifteen representatives of churches and religious organizations and the Law of the Republic of Poland "On Guarantees of Freedom of Conscience and Religion" that covers all religious organizations in Poland.

There are only three religious organizations in the structure of the Armed Forces of Poland which have appropriate pastoral institutions consisting of professional soldiers. These institutions include the Field Ordinariate of the Polish Army formed by the Roman Catholic Church in Republic of Poland; Orthodox Ordinariate of the Polish Army by the Polish Autocephalous Orthodox Church in Republic of Poland and the Evangelical Military Pastoral Institution by the Evangelical Augsburg Church in Republic of Poland.

Activities of above mentioned Military Ordinariates acting within the Armed Forces of Poland are financed from the state budget which is approximately 0.08 percent of annual expenditures allocated for national defense in Poland.

In the consequence of the description of the organizational structure and activities of spiritual Ordinariate of the Polish Army there have been found that the largest of the three above mentioned Ordinariate is Field Ordinariate of the Polish Army formed by the Roman Catholic Church in Poland, as the dominate one among religious network Poland.

In particularly the chaplains of the Field Ordinariate of the Polish Army take care of soldiers of the Roman and Greek Catholic faith. Accordingly Orthodox Ordinariate of the Polish Army cares Orthodox soldiers and Evangelical Military Pastoral Institution - soldiers representing the Protestant community. Therefore there have been analyzed the conditions for having the right to meet the religious needs in the army for members of other faiths.

In the article the author highlighted the positive aspects of organizational experience of military chaplains activities for further introduction it in Ukraine.

Author Biography

Larysa Vladychenko, Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University

Ph.D, Doctoral student, Philosophy Department


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How to Cite

Vladychenko, L. (2013). The institution of the military chaplains in the armed forces of Poland. Skhid, (5(125).


