Periodicals for Ukrainian womenfolk of Galicia in late 19 - early 20 century as a historical source of the national and cultural movement of the region
Galicia, women's societies, periodicals editionsAbstract
This article is the analysis of the content of the Ukrainian periodicals for womenfolk, including the literary-publicistic almanac "Pershyi vinok", the periodical "Meta", the newspaper "Zhinoche dilo" which was a free supplement to the daily social and political narodovskyi publication "Dilo". They were published with the support of the public organizations of Galicia in late 19th and early 20th century and of the activists of the Ukrainian women's movement of the region - Nataliia Kobrynska, Olena Kysilevska, Dariia Starosolska, Iryna Sichynska and others. These periodical and non-periodical publications familiarized Ukrainian women with the best works of Foreign and Ukrainian literature, highlighted the women's movement and the events of political life both in Austria-Hungary and abroad, as well as various aspects of the activities of public organizations where women were involved, published a lot of useful information etc. We believe that the almanac "Pershyi vinok", the newspapers "Meta", "Zhinoche dilo" contributed not only to raising cultural and educational levels of women and spreading among them the ideas of gender equality, but also are valuable sources for the study of the Ukrainian national and cultural movement of Galicia in late 19th and early 20th century. They contain quite a few important facts necessary for a researcher to reconstruct the events of national and cultural life in the region during the above-mentioned period of time. However, a relatively short period of publishing of the said periodicals does not make it possible to get a coherent picture of the Ukrainian women's movement as one of the important components of the national and cultural movement in Galicia in late 19th and early 20th century, thus requiring additional study of both archival and other published sources.References
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