Regional industrial management (1957 - 1965): soviet historiography (part І - scientific contribution of the "thaw" period)
Soviet historiography, situation in historiography, political and ideological factors, N. Khrushchev, Regional Economic Council (1957 - 1965)Abstract
The article is concerned with historiographical analysis of adjustment of industrial management in accordance with the regional principle throughout the economic regions through the local economic councils.
At the time of M. Khrushchev's rule, the highlight of the problem was concentrated on the generally accepted issues whose source was the Communist Party's documents concerned with the reform. The research carried out at that time emphasized the ministries' role in the process of slowing down the country's industrial development. The literature was also focused on the political government's expectations of the reform's results, such as improvement in the use of the local resources, adjustment of specialization and incorporation of industrial businesses.
The researchers became convinced of the threat coming from craze for meeting one's local interests only, i.e. the threat coming from the local councils' seeking to meet only their local needs and ignoring the country's needs. The peculiarity of the first historiographical period was presence of exceptions to the aforementioned rule consisting in a number of speculations on the necessity of filling the existing industrial management institutes with economy-minded essence along with the necessity of reforming them.
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