Retrospective analysis of coal-bed gas (methane) recovery operations and use at mines of Donetsk region
coal-bed gas (methane), methane recovery and use, capture, utilization, mines of Donetsk RegionAbstract
The paper presents a retrospective analysis of coal-bed gas (methane) recovery operations and use at mines of Donetsk Region. It is established that underground coal mining releases methane which occurs in coal beds in a bound state. Gas recovered by degassing facilities of coal mines is similar to natural gas by its origin, properties and composition. It has therefore a wide range of applications.
They began to use coal-bed methane in Ukraine in 1954. 21 mines out of 100 collieries with degassing operations utilized gas in 1974. As of the end of 2007 commercial methane was burnt in boiler houses of as few as 10 mines of the Donbass. In 2010 only 45 mines had degassing systems, 11 of the number using methane as fuel for mine boiler plants. Metrics of mines within the Makeyevugol State Company indicates though that each coal mining company employing methane utilization techniques has a positive economic effect owing to this economic activity. An absolute leader in methane recovery and utilization among coal mines of Donetsk Region is A.F. Zasiadko Mine.
Thus coal-bed gas (methane) recovery and utilization operations of mines are not only a necessary link in the coal mining process but also a promising activity for obtaining additional economic, ecological and social effects on both the macro- and microlevels.
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