Synergy effect determination it the process of management decision making
synergy, synergy effect, enterprise, management centers, management decision, cooperation strategiesAbstract
In conditions of limited resources for ensuring the development of domestic enterprises, there is the necessity of searching additional reserves of increasing the productivity and efficiency of business activity. This problem pays attention to the research of the phenomenon of synergy which emerges in the process of cooperation and collaboration. Taking into account that synergy is a complex phenomenon which allows to get an additional effect without involving additional resources due to their skillful, professional, competent combination, the attention is paid to revealing and singling out this effect and giving its quantitative estimation. In the article the method of synergy effect determination in the process of management decision making is considered. The calculation of synergy coefficient is fulfilled, that allows to take into account potential possibilities which can be used for more effective management of an enterprise due to such criteria as the level of management cooperation and the potential of management collaboration in the process of mutual decision making. On the basis of the usage of the return on assets index, and taking into account potential possibilities of the enhancement of business activity effectiveness due to synergy effect which is reached through the coordinated management, the quantitative result of the usage of synergy principle in management is determined.
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