Improving the financial condition of the company




management of the financial condition, controlling, control charts Shukhart


In this paper, based on the study of publications found that the operation of the financial state of Ukrainian enterprises at the current time can be characterized as based on the principles of open government. Almost control actions at the enterprise does not control the final results. At best we can talk about the elements of the principle of management by exception, but with so much lag control actions, which eliminates the possibility of operational management.

It is concluded that the financial condition of the control system must be developed, based on the principle of control in the perturbation. In this case, the planning commission of each business transaction we would calculate the value of a possible disturbance if the operation would be made. This disturbance is applied to the control parameter, which is the nature of the relationship with the end of the financial indicators of the state must be defined in advance. You must first install and normative value of the control parameter, and the possible limits of deviation from the standard perturbation parameter value (border deviation).

Study publications also gave an opportunity to prove that the management of the financial condition of the enterprise is one of the tasks of controlling and can use the models, methods and tools specific to the organization controlling the company.

Proposed to use the checklists Shukhart to govern the financial condition of the company. Drawing an analogy with quality control in the management of the financial condition of the enterprise to identify manage and control performance. The connection between them can be both deterministic and stochastic, but the type, level and intensity of such a relationship must be defined in advance.

Author Biography

Yuri Ivanov, Priazovsky State Technical University

Post-graduate student


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How to Cite

Ivanov, Y. (2013). Improving the financial condition of the company. Skhid, (5(125).


