Export potential of oil and fat complex of the Ukrainian economy: state, tendencies, prospects
export potential, oil and fat complex, development tendencies and prospectsAbstract
The paper deals with the particularities of formation of export potential of oil and fat industry. Researches of foreign, in particular, Russian scientists as well as of domestic scholars about the nature of export potential together with the interpretation of the concept are discussed. Relevant differences between the understanding of this concept of domestic and foreign scholars were found.
The analysis of the current state of export potential was done, changes of external and internal environment, the level of exports in the base period were considered.
Tendencies of the world's oil and fat products in 2011/2012 and 2012/2013 marketing years were studied. The quantitative criteria for major commodity exports of oil and fat products were given.
The volumes of deliveries to other countries of unrefined sunflower oil in 2011/2012 marketing year were presented in percents and amounts. The directions of export potential of enterprises of oil and fat industry were grounded.
Evidence-based recommendations that will help enterprise managers of oil and fat complex in Ukraine predict the volume of exports in the context of a particular segment of the foreign market more accurately were given.
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