Socio-economic content of innovation: evolution of attitudes on its role in the development


  • Yuriy Velikiy P. Mohyla Black Sea State University, Ukraine
  • Yevgeniy Yurin Mykolaiv Interregional Human Development Institute of the Ukraine University, Ukraine



innovation, economic growth, machine-building enterprise


The article examines the nature of socio-economic content of innovation, the evolution of attitudes and approaches to its role in development, industry, machine-building enterprises. The authors identified a number of reasons that encourage continuous learning and introduction of innovative theories in order to achieve the transition to a modern model of development.

First, the global scientific and technological progress dictates the way of economic development, including innovation is a leading, if not the only, and therefore, the economic processes taking place inUkraine. There are inextricably linked with the world, and this, in turn, makes it impossible to have a separate path of scientific and technological development of our country, the introduction of other methods of organization and management.

Second, the development and application of new forms of governance is due to the transition to a mixed economy, and in such circumstances it is necessary to use at best theoretical and practical achievements and approaches to innovation in production.

The authors found that in the world of science innovation activities deemed that aims to achieve the results of research aimed at obtaining commercial profit. This activity enhances the range of products and services according to the needs of society, improve product quality and overall modernization technologies to expand into new global markets.

In conclusion the authors note that currently developed many different patterns, mechanisms, models of the innovation aimed at expanding opportunities for economic growth. However, they are preceded by complex processes that reflect the complexity and diversity of forms of innovative development concepts change depending on changes in patterns of economic growth, the nature sispilnoho play.

Thus, the development of innovation affects a large number of factors (both positive and negative). Depending on the nature of the impact of the country, industry, machine-building enterprises have different chances for development.

Author Biographies

Yuriy Velikiy, P. Mohyla Black Sea State University

Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Professor of the Finance Department

Yevgeniy Yurin, Mykolaiv Interregional Human Development Institute of the Ukraine University

Ph.D. in Economics, Assistant Professor of the Finance and Credit Department


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How to Cite

Velikiy, Y., & Yurin, Y. (2013). Socio-economic content of innovation: evolution of attitudes on its role in the development. Skhid, (5(125).


