Foresight as a methodology of designing the future
foresight, strategic planning, forecasting, social and economic development, innovation activitiesAbstract
This article is devoted to the problems of planning and forecasting the future. The authors investigate one of the methods of strategic planning, namely foresight. They research various approaches to the definition of the term "foresight", formulate its role. They also investigate the characteristics of foresight and find the differences between foresight and other instruments of studying the future. The authors found that foresight is a natural human activity, which is always carried by individuals and society out. However, it is now formalized into an effective method and is used by governments, regions and other stakeholders to create the desired image of the future and determine strategies to achieve it, using the innovations. The technology of foresight can not only "look" into the future, but also to "make" the future according to the goals. Foresight can be used to develop long-term strategies and plans for individual businesses, regions and the entire state.
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