Management features by municipal economy as difficult economic system




municipal economy, community property, potential, communal resources


In the article the features of management and development of municipal economy are investigational as a difficult economic system. Certainly purpose, making elements, principles and management features by a municipal economy. Offered recommendations on the increase of management efficiency by a municipal economy on the basis of economic-financial, administrative-legal, organizational and informative measures. The necessity of creation of corresponding pre-conditions is well-proven with a help bringing existent administrative methods over and forms in accordance with the necessities of strategic and tactical development of local territories and necessities of his population on the basis of the effective and rational use of resources of territorial mass of city.

Author Biography

Оlenа Andrіeіeva, Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Makeyevka

Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor of Department of Economics Enterprises


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How to Cite

Andrіeіeva О. (2013). Management features by municipal economy as difficult economic system. Skhid, (5(125).


