The evaluation of the investment demand for the municipal infrastructure company in Ukraine
municipal infrastructure, water supply, heat supply, water drainage, investment demand, integrated development, forecastingAbstract
Two types of publications on the estimation of the investment demand on the part of the municipal infrastructure companies engaged in the production and distribution of electricity, gas and water have been considered in the paper. In the publications of the first type only the results are examined while in the second type of publications attention is paid to the approaches and models of forecasting demand, taking into account various factors.
The essential difference in the estimates of the World Bank and the Ministries of Economy, Water and Environment of the countries of EECCA (Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, Central Asia) and their partners, in the work of other authors made the corresponding forecasts for the development of the situation in heating, water supply and sewerage both in Ukraine, and in its immediate environment has been determined.
In the works of the second group attention is concentrated on the approaches of the forecasting with the complex issues of urban development and technical and technological advances in the industry. The approaches to the planning of investment programs on infrastructure development in Russia, modeling financial strategy in the water and sewer sector in Central and Eastern Europe, the multivariant model forecast of development of Russian heat supply up to 2030, the implementation of the financial strategy of water supply development in Armenia have been considered.
The author's approach to the estimation of the investment demand on the basis of the data of the financial accounts from the corresponding service providers has been offered. The calculations made with the help of this approach led to the conclusion that the need for housing and communal economy of Ukraine in the investments of 2008 exceeded the amount of the state budget of Ukraine and has a constant tendency to the growth in the last years.
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