The construction of the normative financial values for the metallurgical enterprises of Ukraine


  • Volodymyr Poluyanov Automobile and Road Institute of Donetsk National Technical University, Ukraine
  • Viktoriia Menkova Automobile and Road Institute of Donetsk National Technical University, Ukraine



management of financial position, financial stability, standards of financial ratios


The approaches to the formation and updating of the normative values of the financial indicators for the metallurgical enterprises of Ukraine have been grounded in the article. The available financial statements of corporatized enterprises in the industry have been used as the initial data. According to this code of economic activity 24 enterprises were selected, the available information for the research was from 24 enterprises for the period from 2009 to 2011. 11 enterprises were selected in the final selection, accounting for 94.6 % of total production among the selected 24 enterprises and 43.9 of the production of all entities for this type of activity.

For the selected enterprises the average values and multidimensional deviations from the average values of 14 indicators of financial activity, and 15 indicators of the financial stability have been investigated. The ranging of enterprises from the multivariate distance from the average values in each case has been made. The standard values of indicators of business activity and financial stability for the Ukrainian metallurgical enterprises in the current conditions of their work have been refined on the basis of calculations.

The ways of improving management of the financial condition of the enterprise have been defined: the ground for choosing the vector of standard values of financial indicators, the widening of time frames for the investigation and investigation of the relationship between the value of the vector of financial performance and the level of efficiency of the enterprises. 

Author Biography

Volodymyr Poluyanov, Automobile and Road Institute of Donetsk National Technical University

Doctor of Economic Science, Professor, Head of the Economics and Finance Department


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How to Cite

Poluyanov, V., & Menkova, V. (2014). The construction of the normative financial values for the metallurgical enterprises of Ukraine. Skhid, (6(126), 143–149.


