Use of cluster analysis to assess the development of the innovation activity of industry in Ukraine
innovations, innovation, innovation development, innovation capacity, innovation activity, hierarchical cluster analysisAbstract
It has been noted that the industry is strategically important sector of the economy of any country. It has been determined that industrial development is possible only due to the technological renovation of production, the use of modern technology and focus on the production of high-tech innovative products. The state of innovation in the industry of Ukraine and peculiarities of this sector have been analyzed. It has been found that the innovative development of industry in Ukraine is extremely poor and is characterized by low rates of innovation activities in industry, hampering their innovation activities. It has been determined that there are significant differences in the innovation activities of enterprises of different industries. Most innovative activity is observed in consumer-oriented areas. Grouping of industrial enterprises according to activities based on key parameters and results of innovation using a hierarchical clustering method has been committed. Cluster analysis was conducted in two phases: the first phase determined the optimal number of groups (clusters) using the agglomerative method, which include similar by activity sectors, the second stage separates fields in the previously specified number of groups using Ward's method. Using cluster analysis industries have been identified and incorporated, characterized by varying degrees of innovation activity, and as a result all sectors were divided into five clusters. The most efficient clusters in terms of their effectiveness of functioning have been highlighted. Based on the operation of such industrial clusters, priorities of innovation policy of the state should be determined and developed. Cluster approach will allow to generate new scientific and technological areas of industry development, ensure integration of research, innovation and manufacturing enterprises, promote innovation development of industrial systems and their cooperation.
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