Biographical note on the muslim-apostate in "Vafayat al-a'yan va-anba 'abna' az-zaman" Ibn Khallikan
muslim-apostate, biography, islam, christianity, Ibn Khallikan, Al-Hamadani, Ibn Saka'Abstract
The dialogue of religions becomes a feature of the modern era. A good representative of the biographical literature is the work of "al-Vafayat a'yan al-Anba 'abna' al-zaman" ("Obituaries distinguished persons and notes about their contemporaries") Ibn Khallikan. In this essay, along with Muslims, followers of the information referred to Christianity. Among the references to Christians is a unique message about Ibn Saka', who converted from Islam to Christianity and moved to Constantinople. The main reason for change of religion Ibn Saka' was a desire to get married with byzantine princess. Al-Hamadani, one of the famous scientists, much earlier pointed out that Ibn Saka' was too arrogant, his faith is weak and because of their pride fakih will be punished. Despite the fact that fakih had a great knowledge of Islam and Christianity, shafi'i science, comparative religion victorious feeling mind. His history of Muslim scientists for centuries passed, copied over and over again recalling that the change of religion is a big sin. This story was a great public outcry, her interest in a foreign country and to our time Muslim scientists include her books, intended for specialists in the field of Islamic studies, history, philosophy, political science and sociology, as well as for anyone interested in the spiritual culture of the Muslim East.
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