Methods for evaluating efficiency of investment projects implemented on the basis of public-private partnerships in the housing and communal infrastructure
investments, public-private partnership, economic efficiency, housing and communal infrastructureAbstract
In the article the essence of the public- private partnership is defined; on the basis of the experience of European countries priority areas for the implementation of PPP projects are identified. They are transport and utilities infrastructure.
Generalized approach to evaluating the effectiveness of investment projects help to highlight two areas: economic and social efficiency. The indexes of social efficiency of PPP projects and efficiency indicators for projects of public and private partners and services consumer are defined.
The main stages of the analysis of public- private partnerships are defined. Key factors in choosing the best investment proposal are the minimization of utility rates, terms and government involvement in the financing of projects.
Economic evaluation of PPP projects is based on an analysis of four major factors: profitability index, net present value, internal rate of return, discounted payback period.
Assessing the economic efficiency of PPP projects take into account the index of riskiness of the project is proposed. This index is calculated by determining the list of major risks for the private partner, dividing them into groups by priority, assessing the probability of occurrence of each event using the method of expert estimates, the calculation point scoring system for the project. The resulting score is a general indicator of the riskiness of the project. This index allows to estimate the minimum possible economic benefit to which an investor can expect a high probability of a specified list of risks.
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