Eastern Europe in Polish Political Conceptions during 20-30-s of the 20th century
geopolitics, Poland, conception of incorporation, federalism, prometheismAbstract
An endeavor to analyze the role and place of Eastern Europe in Polish geopolitical conceptions during the interwar period was made in the issue. The aim of the research was the scientific analysis of ideology and policy of federalism and prometheism which were realized into the camp’s policy of Polish sanitation shared J. Pilsudski’s political views. A role and place of Ukrainian problem in Eastern policy of Poland was considered according to the identified aim. The scientific article emphasized that the main attention was paid to Eastern geopolitical direction of Poland during the interwar period. Polish national democrats promoted a conception of incorporation which implied lands inclusion in Poland at the East with Polish ethnical and cultural priority. The adherents of J. Pilsudski united on the ground of federalism conception due to which Ukraine, Lithuania and Belorussia had to establish a united country with Poland, for instance Rzecz Pospolita. The federal idea’s defeat that was certified by Riga agreement of 1921 gave impetus to the concept of prometheism formation in Poland. It was distinguished form a federational program by the fact of the Soviet Union existence and national emigration from Eastern Europe as well as from Central Asia and the Far East which was involved into the orbit of Polish influences. An endeavor of a complex study of prometheism concept in domestic and foreign policy of Poland was initially made in Ukrainian historiography. The ideological sources and traditions of Polish Eastern policy which were the base of prometheism concept, in particular the federational program of Polish socialists were considered. The evolution of Polish prometheism idea during the interwar period was analyzed in the issue. The author’s understanding of specific nature of the international prometheism movement establishment and development, which united the emigrants from Russian under the aegis of Poland, was offered in the article.References
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