Transformation of Ukrainian Name-giving Process: Historical Analysis
a name, a proper name, philosophy of a name, Christian tradition of a name, spirituality, spiritual tradition, anthroponymic, ethnical cultureAbstract
The issue is devoted to a value sphere of Christian dominant consideration in the spiritual and semantic space of a name-giving culture in Ukrainian anthroponymic tradition as well as to the historical and philosophical analysis of spiritual peculiarities presented in the process of proper nouns’ creation and functioning in Ukrainian spiritual culture at the pagan times. The urgency of an issue has been intensified by a fact that a name is one of the most crucial symbols in human’s awareness of personal solitude. Anthroponyms (human proper nouns) have been a widely used national lexical phenomenon for different times and epochs, and for different people, that emphasized a constant existential need of the issue in the individual as well as in the social consideration. The sphere of a scientific study is the genesis and peculiarities of Ukrainian onomasticon. The ancient names’ popularity and the general understanding of the true name’s spiritual roots of an ancient name are discussed. The crucial concept of the work is a statement about the preservation of the spiritual sources of a pagan tradition. National Ukrainian onomasticon has been predominantly formed on the Orthodox value basis that is owing to the historical peculiarities of the national, religious and cultural space. The value of a name as a philosophic, cultural, spiritual and historical phenomenon is highlighted. The aim of an issue is to represent a transcendental peculiarity of the proper names and via a structured analysis with the hermeneutic methodology application to highlight the appearance and spiritual components in the elite-sacral, elite-secular and national names in Ukrainian ancient ethical tradition. The cardinal meaningful lines of the names’ spiritual roots are to be analyzed. The conclusions of the issue are embodied in the following statements and constants:
- A name is the most essential expression of self on an ontological level.
- A name is an opportunity of social memory saving on a social level.
- The two level context of Ukrainian onomasticon is represented by a pagan tradition of name-giving which is based on the spiritual unity between a human and natural environment that transforms it into a spiritual charm.
Christian tradition of name blessing considers a name as a spiritual protection of a saint as well as a motivation for further spiritual changes.References
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Copyright (c) 2019 Irina Lomachinska, Svitlana Khrypko, Ganna Iatsenko

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