Participation Sydor Holubovych in the student movement late nineteenth century
Sydor Holubovych, "Academic Fraternity", "Academic community", "Rus-Ukrainian Radical Party", "National Democratic Party"Abstract
The article analyzes the student's period of Sydor Holubovych in the context of social and political processes taking place among Western students of the late nineteenth century. Found out its role in the political life in the Ruthenian-Ukrainian Radical Party (RURP). In particular, we show students influential political force, which played an important role in the ideological evolution RURP. Noted S. Holubovych part in the activities of students society of "Academic Fraternity". Detail highlights the process of organizational development students' society of "Academic Community", the peculiarities of cultural, educational and social work during the presidency of S. Holubovych. The role of the community in educating highly qualified professionals and the formation of their active citizenship.
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