The category “Ukrainian national-cultural revival” of the second half of the 19th - the first third of the 20th century: interpretations and receptions of historiography and Ukrainian studies




Ukrainian national-cultural revival, Ukrainian national movement, Renaissance, Ukrainian historiography, category of historiography, state-formation, nation-building, scientific-historiographical interpretation


The article considers the scientific polylogue of Ukrainian historiography and Ukrainian studies in understanding the category “Ukrainian national-cultural revival” in the chronological framework of the second half of the 19th - the first third of the 20th century. Based on the problem approach, civilization and socio-cultural methodology, author highlights the historians’ reasoning regarding the analysis of temporal and spatial boundaries, components, patterns and contradictions in the development of national-cultural revival. Attention is drawn to the discussion of historians on the chronology of the Ukrainian national-cultural movement, the reasoning of researches for the expansion of its upper limit to the first third of the 20th century is commented. Such expansion includes not only Ukraine in the imperial era, but also cultural development in the period of national-democratic revolution, as well as the era of Ukrainization into this paradigm. It is emphasized that the dialectic nature and historiosophy of the investigated category are manifested in the unity of minor and major aspects of Ukrainian revival, in the contradictions concerning the degree of contribution of the intellectuals and the majority of the population of Ukrainian lands to the development of the revival, in the question of the coexistence of the two patriotisms - “Little Russian” and “Great Russian”, etc. The theoretical and concrete-historical essence of the concept “Ukrainian national-cultural revival” is specified. It is noted that among the main spheres of its development, historians name the following: the nation-building processes and mental transformations of Ukrainian national identity, spiritual-religious and church life, state-church and interfaith relationships, folklore, development of national education, educational and pedagogical thought, formation of scientific research, historiographical and Ukrainian studies, extensive literary process, language development, the establishment of periodicals, the achievements of theatrical, choreographic and painting arts. The prospects for studying the terminological apparatus of modern history of Ukraine are outlined, the place of the investigated concept in the categorical field of Ukrainian national historiography is identified.

Author Biography

Nataliia Semerhei, Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy (Poltava)

PhD in Historical Sciences, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Semerhei, N. (2019). The category “Ukrainian national-cultural revival” of the second half of the 19th - the first third of the 20th century: interpretations and receptions of historiography and Ukrainian studies. Skhid, (4(162), 75–81.



Historiography, Source Studies and Special Historical Disciplines