Project analysis of carrier transport service of customers materials flows
project analysis, material flow, market segment, the same type of vehicles, compatible cargoesAbstract
In the article the project analysis of carrier transport service of customers material flow. When long transport serviced customers is important to optimize the performance of vehicles in various stages of applications distribution for transportation in order to avoid seasonal is not efficient use of vehicles. The resulting calculations of alternative investment projects of transport service material flows separately or customers for a period of time for different number of own and hired vehicles make it possible to assess the effectiveness of investment. The criteria for such a distribution in the long run may appear indicators of project analysis: payback period, net present value, profitability index, and others. The proposed scheme: investment appraisal of transport services, technological scheme of the motor service, choice of market segment for the transport of customer service and the same type of material flows in vehicles using the project approach. Considered and analyzed stages of the project the analysis of material flows transport service customers.
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