Formation of a management system for the development of an industrial enterprise in the conditions of the information economy
formation, system, management, development, industrial enterprise, information economy, divisions, communicationsAbstract
It is substantiated that the construction of a management system for the development of an industrial enterprise requires the integration of all management subsystems that are responsible for the efficiency of an industrial enterprise. The solution to this problem is most appropriate with an integrated management approach. In the aspect of managing the development of an industrial enterprise in the conditions of the information economy, it is proposed, under the integration approach, to include a set of tools that address the issue of research, quantitative evaluation and improvement of the relationship between vertical management levels and the subjects of horizontal management in the process of building a control system, which embodies the principles of the information economy.
The integration approach to the construction of a management system for the development of an industrial enterprise in the conditions of the information economy is proposed, which makes it possible to assess the resistance to improvement of the management system that arises among the personnel of the enterprise and takes into account the integration of each unit into the overall enterprise management system.References
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