Political agitation and state of mental maturity of the domestic society





elections of the President of Ukraine, electorate, rationality, logic, political mythmaking, mythologeme


In the article the author develops a typology of accents of the influence on the contemporary domestic electorate during the election of the President of Ukraine in the spring of 2019. This purpose is achieved by involving socio-philosophical methodology and the achievements of a psychoanalytic philosophical paradigm. There are four types of accents that were observed during the race. Politicians of the first accent sought to influence the critical thinking of the electorate. The second group of politicians sought to exploit a scientifically constructed myth - about themselves or “almost” about themselves. The third group focused on individual myths that were not united by a holistic political myth. The fourth group appealed to the trust that was unreasonable. Thus, political agitations form a continuum - from attempts to influence solely voter’s rationality to counting on the resonance of their subconscious mythological architectonics. In addition, it is concluded that the politicians of near future should flexibly involve all constructive from this continuum in order to strengthen their own positive influence on the electorate. In this context, the modern politicians should focus on political mythmaking necessarily, because it is scientifically correct. The author of the article shares the view of those classics of philosophy who see the basis of any cultural activity in myth. Of course, a rational component of political agitation should be present. For example, there should be very rationally compiled (and executed) political program.

Author Biography

Vitaliy Biletskyy, Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University, Vinnytsia

PhD in Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Biletskyy, V. (2019). Political agitation and state of mental maturity of the domestic society. Skhid, (3(161), 53–56. https://doi.org/10.21847/1728-9343.2019.3(161).171721



Political philosophy