The state and the prospects of the innovative processes development at the domestic enterprises
innovation, innovation development, innovation activity of enterprises, strategic planning, investmentAbstract
The current state of innovation activity inUkraineand its regions, as well as the prospects for the innovative processes development at the state industrial enterprises are considered in the paper. The effect of the level of the innovative processes development in the country on its competitiveness are defined. The statistical materials of the world economic forum, the European Commission, World Intellectual Property Organization have been analyzed, deterioration of innovationUkrainein 2012 has been revealed.
The main problems that preventing activation of innovative processes in the state have been singled out: the imperfection of the legislation in Ukraine, the limited links between the public and the business sector, the lack of funds for innovation, high migration of academic staff, poor infrastructure.
The analysis of innovation in the regions ofUkrainehas been examined on the following parameters: the costs of enterprises for scientific-research and research-engineering works, the region's ability to innovate, the availability of scientific and engineering personnel, collaboration between universities and business. These figures are also a part of an integral indicator of the level of competitiveness in the regions ofUkraine. Based on their analysis, the leaders of innovation development among the regions (Kharkiv,Sumy, Dnipropetrovsk,Donetskregion) have been defined, and the main problems of enhancing regional innovation processes, among them - the high tax rates, instability in government policies, lack of development of cooperation between universities and business, imperfect legislation have been revealed.
The analysis of innovative activity of industrial enterprises inUkrainehas been made, the insignificant share of enterprises with innovative activities has been revealed.
The development of strategic planning innovation at the enterprises as one of the outputs of the current situation and enhance innovation processes has been proposed.
This program should include the interaction of innovation, investment, production and financial processes at the enterprises and the need for a phased introduction of innovations.
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