Forming of positive image of Ukraine as a tool for its investment attractiveness rise
country image, image structure, image program, investment attractiveness, investment climate, country investment image, country ratingAbstract
Differences and correlations between the terms of territory image, brand and positioning are revealed in the article. Image ofUkraineis analyzed based on the rating assessment of the leading world agencies and organizations. Assessment of the investment attractiveness of Ukraine based on European Business Association gives evidence that investment attractiveness integral index fell by 60 % in the first quarter of 2013 cjmpared to 2011.
Analysis of the foreign direct investments to the economy ofUkraineshows that 2002-2012 investments volume had an arrhythmic character; it is explained by investment activity slowdown caused by world financial economic crisis. Main countries-investors toUkraineareCyprus,Germany,NetherlandsandRussia. It is detected that high level of corruption, complicated tax administration system, absence of Investment Code and territories websites, аs well as business plan creating and supporting specialists lead to the image ofUkrainedeterioration among the potential.
Causes for negative development dynamics, such as overvalued accommodation fees, automobile roads quality, service level and absence of information about tourist places are revealed based on the comparative analysis of tourism industry ofUkraineand other countries.
Inverse relationship between the financing of the country's positive image and investment climate financing is shown. Thus, with the year-to-year decrease of the financing of positive image ofUkraineinvestment climate financing increases.
For the creation of the positive image of Ukraine it is proposed to create the coordinating PR center basing on one of the specialized institutes, to develop the Investment Code of Ukraine, to establish the system of relations with the international rating agencies, to create Ukrainian information centers in different countries, to implement investment passports of territories and to take the active part in the international activities, which will facilitate the presentation of Ukrainian investment opportunities.References
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