The origins and subject of "intellectual labor" category
intellectual labor, the characteristics of intellectual activity and intellectual potential of society, intellectual propertyAbstract
The main theme of the article is study of the basic approaches for explaining of economic aspect of the category of "intellectual labor".
Now will retain their significance production of material goods, but its economic efficiency will be determined by the degree of use of new knowledge, technology, modern management, as well as the increasing role of highly educated and highly skilled employees. The special status would acquire the means of production and transmission of knowledge and intellectual potential of human beings. AlthoughUkraineis still in the industrial stage, but gradually the computerization of society, the automation of production, the transformation of services in the dominant sector of the economy will give a significant increase in the quantity and share of knowledge workers. Despite the fact that the term "intellectual labor" is increasingly used in scientific economic literature, there are few attempts to give him a categorical documented and methodologically weighted definition. On the basis of epistemological analysis, we make and justify intellectual labor as an economic category. It can be also highlight the characteristics of intellectual employees. Retrospective of the views about different areas of economic theory to problems of intellectual labor are detailed analyzed. There are the conclusions about study of intellectual labor using three approaches: causal, factor, personal. Characteristics of employees in intellectual sphere are presented.
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